Filing a Complaint

Before filing a complaint about a massage therapist, make sure that they are registered with the College. If you cannot find their name on the list of registered massage therapists in PEI, please contact the registrar. In this case, you can also report the individual for unauthorized use of reserved titles .

All complaints must be submitted electronically.

If you have any questions concerning the complaint process, require assistance, or would like to speak with College staff before filing a complaint or reporting unauthorized use of reserved titles, please contact us.

Please follow these steps to submit the Complaint Form:

  1. Download the Complaint Form or open it in your browser.
  2. Fill out the form, then print it out.
  3. Sign the printed form.
  4. Scan the signed document and save it as a PDF, or take a photo of each form page.
  5. Upload the PDF or the images of the two pages using the contact form.

CMTPEI Complaint Form

Reporting Unauthorized Use of Reserved Titles

CMTPEI requests the completion of the Unauthorized Use of Reserved Titles Report Form when filing a report against an individual who is not a massage therapist registered with the College and uses any of the titles reserved for registered members only.

The reserved titles for registered massage therapists in PEI include massage therapist, MT, registered massage therapist, and RMT.

Please follow these steps to submit the Unauthorized Use of Reserved Titles Report Form:

  1. Download the Unauthorized Use of Reserved Titles Report Form or open it in your browser.
  2. Fill out the form, then print it out.
  3. Sign the printed form.
  4. Scan the signed document and save it as a PDF, or take a photo of each form page.
  5. Upload the PDF or the images of the two pages using the contact form. If you have photographs, copies, or scans of any physical or documentary evidence, please use the same method to submit that evidence. You can submit the contact form multiple times if needed.

Unauthorized Use of Reserved Titles Report Form