Continuing Education and Competency Program - Audit

Every year, the College randomly selects a number of RMTs in a CEC audit process. If selected, you are required to submit a copy of your learning plan from the previous year. The purpose of the audit is to verify your compliance with CEC and develop, implement, and evaluate your learning plan as you indicated in the declaration during your registration renewal.

How the Audit Works

Beginning approximately in May of each year, a list of registrants will be randomly selected. Those on the list will be required to submit their learning documents to the College for review. The process is as follows:

  • Registrants selected for the audit are notified by email and provided with instructions regarding the process and the documents they are required to submit.
  • Submission of documents is time sensitive and there are consequences of missing a submission deadline.
  • Once documents are received by the College, a committee of your professional peers reviews each one to determine if there is sufficient evidence of compliance with the program requirements.
  • Compliance is achieved when learning goals or activities:
    • have been completed within the specific dates;
    • apply to massage therapy practice, and;
    • have a sufficient reflective practice evaluation

Can my compliance with CEC program be determined if I have not yet put my learning plan in place or achieved my goals?

Goals and practice change can be in progress, but verification of your compliance with CEC is based on a review of your completed learning plan from the previous year. Compliance cannot be determined if there is no evidence of learning or reflective practice.

If you think this is the case, you should contact the College Registrar ASAP as compliance is a requirement of your registration renewal.

Outcomes of the Audit

Typically, registrants are notified of the audit results within seven (7) days of the committee meeting. There are three possible outcomes:

  1. Compliance with CEC can be determined, and no further action required;
  2. Compliance cannot be fully determined, and more information or clarity is required. Depending on the nature of what is required this may be done by phone or via regular/electronic mail, or;
  3. There is no indication of compliance.

If there is no indication of compliance, the registrant file will be flagged, and the Audit Committee will notify the Registrar to begin the remediation process.

Continued non-compliance with the CEC program may result in:

  • Loss of your registration and the removal of your name from the College Registry
  • Inability to use a protected professional title MT, RMT
  • Notification to your employer (if applicable) that you are no longer licensed to practice in the province of Prince Edward Island.
  • Audit Committee referring non-compliant registrant to the Investigation Committee for professional misconduct

Audit Reminders

The audit is about reviewing documents outlining learning activities which have been completed in the previous registration year.

Registrants declaring that they have not completed the required CEC program at registration renewal will be required to complete the program within 30 days and will have conditions imposed on their registration. Continued non-compliance may result in the revocation of the registrant’s registration. Late submissions and/or non-compliant files will be selected for an audit the following year.

Learning activities falling outside the audit date range cannot be included in consideration of compliance unless prior approval given by the Registrar or Audit Committee.

Registrants who choose not to participate in the CEC program will eventually be ineligible to renew their certificates of registration as outlined in Section 25(1) of the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) and Sections 11(1)(2) of Massage Therapists Regulations.